Monday-Friday 9:00AM-3:00PM
After hours and weekends by appointment
Regulations Regarding Memorialization of Graves
San Tan Memorial Gardens is open 24 hours for visitations. Keep in mind there are no street lights on-site for visits after-dark. Office hours are from 9am until 3pm on weekdays. The office is open on weekends for scheduled appointments only.
All decorations should be 24 inches or less in height. This includes all flower arrangements, statues, crosses, Sheppard's hooks, etc. Any decorations over the allotted height will be removed and placed in the flower retrieval area.
No glass items or alcoholic beverages are allowed on graves. Broken glass is dangerous when mowing occurs. It places our employees and visitors at risk of injury. Glass items will be removed and placed in the flower retrieval area.
Any alcoholic & non-alcoholic beverages and food items will be removed and disposed of immediately if found on graves.
The outlining of graves in any way is not allowed, including filling in the grave space with items. Be careful not to allow your decorations to intrude onto a neighbor's grave.
Live flowers or plants will be removed when they appear wilted and the containers will be discarded.
Items of memorialization may not be placed permanently at a grave-site. No planting of any type of plant, flower, or tree is allowed on a grave. Permanent placement of benches or chairs is not permitted. Any non-permitted permanent item will be removed and placed in the flower retrieval area.
The placement of Mylar balloons is not recommended as they are known to leave metallic specks on markers.
Green cone vases are available in a bin located near the entrance of the cemetery. Vases are for use within San Tan Memorial Gardens only.
When selecting items to be placed on a grave, please take into consideration that they will be exposed to outdoor elements. When placing items on graves, it is like placing them in your front yard. These items are subject to the possibility of being taken off the grave. We cannot accept the responsibility for items that are lost or damaged.
All decorations are subject to our Flower Removal system. Our grounds keepers remove all flowers and decorations on the first Tuesday of every month. The items will be placed in the flower retrieval area located behind (on the East end) of the office building. Families are free to return the following day to place flowers and decorations back on graves.
In order to avoid having the items from your loved one's grave placed in the flower retrieval area, we suggest that you remove them prior to the first Tuesday of each month.
When locating your decorations in the flower retrieval area, please remove only the items belonging to you. We cannot accept the responsibility for items that are lost or damaged.